Friday, June 14, 2013

Poop Libs

I found this in my son's folder on the last day of school this year. He's a first grader...well, technically, he's a second grader now. He's had a great year. As a matter of fact, the day I found this was the same day I went to an awards assembly at his school and beamed when he was announced the male Character Counts Student of the Year for his class. Should I be ashamed to say that I was just as proud of him when I made this "poop" discovery? I'm proud for many reasons: his handwriting is beautiful; his spelling is impressive ("butt"); and he labeled his "poop". Of course, there are some issues with it: he should've used "an" instead of "a"; there are two sentence fragments; and I can't quite figure out what kind of wounded, disfigured animal he's drawn here. Looks like "Poop" personified. Needless to say, this is the most memorable thing he's brought home from school thus far.

So, yeah, my son is obsessed with the word "poop." He's especially amused when he tells people that he's even obsessed with "poop" spelled backwards. He's a clever one. He even changes song lyrics frequently to incorporate his favorite word. Bruno Mars might be shocked (or impressed) to hear that my son will "poop a grenade for ya." Carly Rae Jepsen would be appalled that Leo sings, "Here's my number. Poop on me maybe." I know it's inappropriate; I do. But maybe it's the teenage girl in me that finds it hilarious. I can't tell him to stop. For me, it shows creativity, and I'm a huge fan of that. 

I decided last week that I could, however, use the opportunity to put on my English teacher hat...a "poop"able moment, if you will. OK, yeah, I started doing it too. And I have to admit; it's hard to be sad when you use the word "poop." I dare ya to try.

So, because Leo also loves Mad Libs, I decided we'd try some. Is it ever too early to teach kids the parts of speech? I don't think so. (I mean, I don't have much luck with juniors in high school, but I thought, maybe it'll be different with my own kid.) We started with the page "How to Be a Good Neighbor," by SpongeBob Squarepants. By the time we were finished, he definitely knew that "poop" is a noun. Early on in the game, he didn't know the others, but that didn't matter. He read this page over and over, again and again, and belly laughed every time. Try reading it without laughing. Do it. If you're successful, you have no sense of humor whatsoever.

I'm proud to say that my seven-year-old son knows the following:
1. "Poop" is not just a noun; it's also a verb.
2. "Pooped" is a past-tense verb, but it can double as an adjective.
3. "Poop Face" is a proper noun and should never be used unless someone is, in fact, being a "Poop Face."
4. "Poops" can be considered a plural noun, but it's funnier to use it as a term of endearment.
5. "Poopily" is technically an adverb, but it doesn't make a lot of sense. It is fun, however, to sing the following:

"Put, put, put your butt __________ on the __________. Poopily, poopily, poopily, poopily, Life is BUTT 
                                     ADVERB                  NOUN

a __________ ."

Oops. We need help. Amuse us. Finish our Poop Lib, would ya!

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